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Jesus Loves Everybody:

Especially Me

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Sharp Writ Book Award winner






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Target Market:
Christian families with children aged birth to 5 years

Through our vision, we aspire to lead overwhelmed Christian families toward a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping them reclaim their children from the pervasive influence of media.


Our mission is rooted in worshiping God by nurturing a strong bond with Jesus each day while empowering families to realize spiritual, relational, and financial prosperity.

Welcome to JLE, Inc., where we're dedicated to guiding Christian families with children aged birth to 5 years on a transformative journey of discovering their identity in Christ. 


At JLE, Inc., we understand the challenges and pressures faced by Christian families striving to instill Christian values in their little ones. Our programs and services are crafted to assist you in building spiritual, relational, and financial abundance, one step at a time.


Unique Solution:  
Nurturing a strong bond with Jesus each day

Considering the diverse languages our clients speak, our products are accessible in English, French, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, ensuring inclusivity and cultural sensitivity.


Join us at JLE, Inc., and embark on a path of spiritual growth, relational harmony, and financial wellness as you discover your identity in Christ.

Promise Transformation: 
 Realize spiritual, relational, and financial prosperity

At JLE, Inc., expect nothing short of excellence. Our offerings include Coaching, Online Courses, Bible Studies, Character-building resources, Christian literature in various formats, exclusive memberships, special events, and a vibrant community, all tailored to support Christian families on their faith journey.


Our core values encompass reverence for God, self-respect, respect for society, recognition of parents as primary educators, and prioritizing family time. In essence, we endeavor to rescue children from the sway of media and lead families toward a life deeply rooted in faith.

Encourage children to embrace their identity in Christ without shame. Start by immersing them in books about Jesus and encouraging authentic behavior. Fill out the form below and receive a free download of "Are Christians Wearing Wigs..." and begin this transformative journey.


See Nicole Roy Ministries   Resources for Families   JLE Kids

What Clients Say

"Coach, Dr. Nicole Benoit-Roy, kept me engaged and wanting to learn more. She’s patient and gives genuine suggestions. Felt relieved and ended the conversation with a newer perspective." 
-Jayde Cooper
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