What To Expect
JLE, Inc. offers top-notch Christian education programs and services tailored for Overwhelmed families with children aged birth to 5 years old. Our mission is to assist you in uncovering your full identity in Christ while fostering spiritual, relational, and financial abundance.
We offer Coaching, Online courses, Bible study, Character-building tips, Christian books, eBooks, Audio-books, Apps, Audio and Video podcasts, MP3 (m4a) and MP4 downloads, Membership, Special events, and services (e.g. conferences), Community, and more...
See Nicole Roy Ministries Resources for Families
Product Language
English, French, Spanish, Haitian Creole.
We help you teach your children about Jesus and their identity in Christ.
Start with our bilingual children's books—fill out the form below to receive a complimentary copy.
Meet the Founder
Who Are We?
JLE, Inc. is an internet-based Christian organization.​ Shortly following its inception, JLE, Inc. has diversified into several divisions: JLE Kids Christian Academy, JLE Overcomer Affiliate Millionaire, and more (see site menu).
Its inaugural division, JLE Publishing Services, introduced JLE ToastAuthors as its flagship program. JLE ToastAuthors provides a new platform for authors to amplify their voices, receive support, and learn from peers.
We encourage authors to craft high-quality Christian education content for future generations. Authors can now share their ideas and inspire the world through our 'No Angst' publishing services.
Sign up for Blog updates and access free writing and Publishing Resources.

Hi there! I'm Dr. Nicole Benoit-Roy, the founder of Jesus Loves Everybody, Inc., and creator of The 12-Step HUSTLEEFUSLL Approach to building spiritual, relational, and financial wealth. I am honored to serve as both an instructional and spiritual coach and an acclaimed Christian book author.
My journey began with a deep passion for Early Childhood Literacy and a desire to spread the message of Christ far and wide. This passion led me to create the beloved Jesus Loves Everybody Children's Book Series.
I am humbled by the recognition received, especially when my debut book, "Jesus Loves Everybody: Especially Me," was awarded the prestigious 2012 Sharp Writ Book Award.
As my literary journey continued, I expanded my contributions with "What I Gain Through His Pain," a book crafted to minister to adults.
With a dual Master’s Degree in Early Childhood/Special Education, I furthered my academic pursuits by earning a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Andrews University.
Behind the Creation of JLE, Inc.
One day, I found myself wrestling with the concept of Jesus' boundless love for me.
As I grappled with doubts, a gentle whisper pierced through the noise of my thoughts.
"I love you," the voice said softly.
In disbelief, I challenged the notion, "No, you don't."
A dialogue ensued, and with a brave heart, I dared to ask, "But why?"
"It's unconditional," came the unwavering response.
Suddenly, the weight of the word "unconditional" hit me like an 'aha moment.'
It was as if divine intervention had illuminated my soul.
At that moment, I felt an overwhelming urge to embrace God's love for me without reservation.
Realizing that if Jesus could extend such love to me, despite my own shortcomings, then surely He must love everybody.
With newfound assurance in His love, I allowed it to permeate every fiber of my being.
Then, on a serene Saturday afternoon, my son and I reveled in Jesus' love. We playfully expressed and recorded our thoughts, which later evolved into the manuscript for the Jesus Loves Everybody Children's Book series.
​In 2011, driven by a desire to teach literacy and share my faith with my special needs students, I published the Jesus Loves Everybody Children's Book series. Five years later (2016), I established Jesus Loves Everybody, Inc. (aka JLE, Inc.).
We Believe in the Whole Bible

What To Expect
JLE, Inc. offers top-notch Christian education programs and services tailored for Overwhelmed families with children aged birth to 5 years old. Our mission is to assist you in uncovering your full identity in Christ while fostering spiritual, relational, and financial prosperity.
We offer Coaching, Online courses, Bible study, Character-building tips, Christian books, eBooks, Audio-books, Apps, Audio and Video podcasts, MP3 (m4a) and MP4 downloads, Membership, Special events, and services (e.g. conferences), Community, and more...
See Nicole Roy Ministries Resources for Families
Product Language
English, French, Spanish, Haitian Creole.
We help you teach your children about Jesus and their identity in Christ.
Start with our bilingual children's books—fill out the form below to receive a complimentary copy.
Old Testament
We believe in:
The tree of eternal life (Genesis)
Eternal deliverance (Exodus)
One eternal sacrifice (Leviticus & Numbers)
Eternal judgment (Deuteronomy)
Eternal power (Joshua)
Eternal judge (Judges)
Eternal redeemer (Ruth)
Eternal king (1 and 2 Kings)
Eternal Kingdom (1 and 2 Chronicles)
Eternal mercy (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther)
Eternal redemption (Job)
Eternal joy (Psalms)
Eternal wisdom (Proverbs)
Eternity of the heart (Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon)
The eternal life of the Spirit (Isaiah)
Everlasting love (Jeremiah, Lamentations)
Everlasting peace (Ezekiel)
Eternal kingdom worship (Daniel)
The eternal name of God (The Twelve-minor prophets)
New Testament
We believe in:
Eternal answered prayer (Matthew)
Eternal reward (Mark)
The search for eternal life (Luke)
Eternal home (John)
The eternal works of God (Acts)
Eternal praise (Romans)
Eternal righteousness (1 and 2 Corinthians)
The everlasting cross (Galatians)
The eternal church (Ephesians)
Eternal glory (Philippians, Colossians)
Eternal separation or eternal union (1 and 2 Thessalonians)
Eternal service (1 and 2 Timothy)
The everlasting gospel (Titus, Philemon)
Eternal salvation (Hebrews)
Eternal crown (James, 1 and 2 Peter)
The eternal Word (1 John)
Everlasting truth (2 and 3 John)
The eternal flame (Jude)
The King’s eternal reign (Revelation)