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Using Mobile Phones

A commiunity of like-minded individuals who love, respect, and enggage in faith-centric exchanges with one another.


Share what is helpful and relevant to us

Do not promote on this platform

Only discuss your active product(s) being advertised on the App.



JLE PromoHub App: A distribution and promotional hub for Courses and other educational content.

20% Off

Promote courses/Content on the App

Per Course/Content Listing


Monthly fee: $49.99.

You pay $39.99 (Save $10)


Yearly fee: $499.

You pay $399 (Save $100)

White Labeling the App​

Basic White Label Package

*Initial Setup Fee: $10,000

A One-Time White Label Setup Fee. This covers branding customization, app design tweaks, initial development adjustments, and integration.  

*Recurring Monthly Maintenance & Support Fee: $500/month

Covering regular updates, server maintenance, technical support, and ongoing improvements.

*Annual Fee: $5,400/year-10% off

White Labeling And Content Creators​

Basic Package

*Promotional Tools:   $200/month or $2,160/yearly-10% off

1. Featured Course Listing Spot for a limited period.

2. Course Spotlight:
monthly rotation.

3. Basic Email Newsletter Promotion.

4. Push Notifications
to users who have the app installed.

5. Discount Code or Promotional Offer.

6. Basic Social Media Sharing Tools.

7. Review and Rating Feature.

8. Basic Analytics for Promotion.

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