Have you ever found yourself ensnared in the web of gossip? Gossip, though often a taboo topic, is a pervasive issue that many are hesitant to acknowledge being affected by. Why? Because we tend to internalize the blame when others speak ill of us. We might think, "If only I were friendlier, more relatable, or more generous, maybe people wouldn't gossip about me." But here's the truth: the gossip someone spreads about you has nothing to do with you. Even if you were the most compassionate, outgoing, and relatable person imaginable, the gossip would persist. It's not about the person being gossiped about; it's about the gossiper. As the Spirit of Prophecy suggests, "Evil speaking is a twofold curse, falling more heavily upon the speaker than upon the hearer. He who scatters the seeds of dissension and strife reaps in his own soul the deadly fruits."
Hi, I'm Dr. Nicole Benoit-Roy. Amidst my extensive affiliate background of over 20 years of experience, I am also a student researcher, curious about how gossip affects people. I embark on a journey to address the scourge of gossip, both in Christian communities and beyond. Currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership at Andrews University in Michigan, my dissertation focuses on the pervasive issue of gossip and its detrimental impact on our educational institutions, particularly early childhood programs.
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Gossip undermines the unity of church leadership and members, leading to dwindling congregations. In homes, it fractures familial bonds, contributing to the rise of single-parent households and a crisis of identity among children. In educational settings, it fosters resentment among staff, faculty, and parents, hindering students' academic progress. As educators, we have a responsibility to combat this destructive habit, as stated in the Spirit of Prophecy: "[Educators] can do much to discourage that evil habit, the curse of the community, the neighborhood, and the home--the habit of backbiting, gossip, and ungenerous criticism."
Recognizing the pervasive nature of gossip, I developed The HUSTLEEFUSLL Kit as a solution to help individuals combat this harmful behavior. This kit equips users with tools designed to foster spiritual, relational, and financial growth, strengthening their relationship with God and ultimately eradicating gossip from their hearts. With a daily infusion of God's love, we can overcome the urge to speak ill of others, as "death and life are in the power of the tongue." Through The HUSTLEEFUSLL Kit, we aim to introduce this transformative approach to 1 billion people worldwide, fostering a culture of love and respect.
Your support is crucial in realizing this vision. By paying it forward, you enable us to produce The HUSTLEEFUSLL Kit and make it accessible to individuals worldwide. Together, we can usher in a new era of spiritual enlightenment, guided by the timeless principle to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Let's embark on this journey together, one filled with love, compassion, and positive change.